City of the Future

A city of science and cutting edge technology.


In Saarbrücken, science, research and further education in various fields come together in a unique way. The region’s university, HTW Saar, the Helmholz Institute and CISPA – to name but a few – enjoy an excellent reputation throughout Europe and beyond and contribute to far-reaching innovations through their research projects.

Saarbrücken is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for IT and computer science. The development of new materials and research in the fields of biotechnology and nanotechnology are further areas of expertise.

Well-organised technology transfer generates productivity and investment. The automotive supplier industry is an example of this. The automotive industry is improving its competitive position through research projects on automation, material and process improvement, e-mobility and the use of the latest information technology in the context of future-oriented transport systems.

The availability of jobs for qualified professionals coupled with a high density and variety of educational establishments makes Saarbrücken particularly attractive for professionals outside of the city and strengthens the motivation to stay.

This gives your company the opportunity to recruit new employees locally from a pool of highly qualified and specialised professionals from a variety of disciplines. You and your employees will also benefit from the great quality of life Saarbrücken offers, which is enriched by culture, nature and the enjoyment of good food.

This all makes Saarbrücken the perfect place to locate your business.

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